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Sally Smith O'Rourke - The Maidenstone Lighthouse

    • Device Device: Kindle
    • File Format File Format: MOBI
    • Size Size: 547.21 KB
    • Posted by Version: 5.0
    • Added Added: Sep 22, 2021 (3 Yrs Ago)
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Located in a coastal inlet several kilometers north of Newport, Rhode Island, Freedman's Cove is famous for its excellent seafood, its postcard-pretty waterfront, and its beautiful Victorian houses - a heritage of the city's past as a summer resort for wealthy households. Ny antiques appraiser Barbara Marks learned one of these simple elaborate mansions from her great-aunt. After suffering a devastating damage, she trips to Freedman's Cove to nurse her grief.Three weeks have passed because the plane piloted by Susan's fan, Bobby Hayward, vanished at sea, but nonetheless Susan desires daily of his safe return. Her nights are full of thoughts of Bobbyis naughty blue eyes, his sensuous feel, and the pure energy for living he imparted to every second of their own time together.Amid the bracing sea air and familiar surroundings of the city where she used content childhood summers, Ann begins to recuperate her reassurance - until she awakens one-night to find out a heavenly figure standing at her screen.

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